Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What book?
I can say that I have never lied about reading a book, that I can remember anyways. If someone asks me if I have read a book I tell them whether I have or I haven't. I don't see a reason in lieing about it.
I've never lied about reading a book that I can remember. I do get funny looks when I tell people I've never finished anything by Jane Austen before though...
As I visit everyone, it seems people with book blogs wouldn't lie because we're read enough books it doesn't matter.
I've never lied about reading a book that I can remember. I do get funny looks when I tell people I've never finished anything by Jane Austen before though...
I never lied about reading a book, that would be weird. I mean why would you lie? :)
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