Sunday, May 31, 2009

In my mailbox May 31

Ok so earlier this week I said that I wasnt going to have an IMM post this week well that has changed. The other day I was helping my sister in law with her yard sale and I found two books that caught my eye. They are about nine years old but they looked good so I got them.

#1 Daughters of the Moon : Goddess of the Night by: Lynne Ewing

Vanessa, catty, Serena, and Jimena seem like ordinary girls living in Los Angeles. But they each have a secret. Vanessa can become invisivle. Catty treavels back nin time. Serena reads minds, and Jimena has premonitions. As the girls become friends, they discover what seperates them from tohers will band them together as Daughters of the Moon.

All Vanessa Cleveland has ever wanted is to be like everyone else and be able to do normal things- like kiss gorgeous Michale Saratoga without desappearing right in front of him. But Vanessa is defferent, and having to hide her secret makes leading a normal life impossible.

Now Vanessa is being followed. She doesn't know who's doing it. But she knows why. Her secret has finally been discovered.

#2 Daughters of the Moon - Into the cold fire

Serena is being targeted by the dark forces of the Artrox. Her power to read minds is the key they need in order to turn the Daughters of the Moon into followers. Jimena has a premonition that Serena is going to betray the girls. And she has never been wrong before.......


Rebecca said...

I've read both of those books and they are really really good. Enjoy.

Lianne said...


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